Simply Poetry

Soliloquy Retold

The stage is set

in the courtyard

of a beautifully decorated

heritage home

mother-of-pearl furniture

antique ornaments

tiled marble flooring.


A charming young lady

from a wealthy family

attractively dressed

in traditional sarong kebaya*

Anxious eyes focussed

captive audience

sits herself

on the intricately

carved rosewood chair.


She explains

marriage was arranged

it wasn’t her choice

mixed feelings

emotional turmoil

cultural differences

testings and tauntings

but character

confident and respectful

learned fast

to relate well.


Intelligent, witty, creative

humble character

she soon won their hearts

many talents

culinary skills

musically gifted.


As she relates her story

audience was in awe.

A difficult relationship

it just takes

one determined person

to make a positive difference

all’s well that ends well.


Enthusiastic audience


clapped heartily

she smiles

takes a bow.


* translucent, embroidered blouse worn with a batik sarong

Comments on: "Soliloquy Retold" (2)

  1. Beautiful pictorial poem.Enjoyed reading it.Cheers.jalal


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