Simply Poetry

Poetry reading with guitar montage

Dedicated to Michelle


 Nature’s Beauty

A blue azure sky

The flaming red sunset

Nature’s beauty in colour.


Cascading Waterfall

The cascading waterfall

In the surroundings of the lush green forest

Cools the air.


An Autumn Day

On an autumn day,

Leaves fallen in the park,

Bare trees will once again,

Bud in spring.

Comments on: "Nature’s Beauty – Cascading Waterfall – An Autumn Day" (20)

  1. So Lovely, especially with music… ❤ !!


  2. Iris, all three of these are lovely. I like the green background on your blog too.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


    • Yes, I thought the blog needs a “new look”. Glad you like it too. Wendy, I do value your comment as some friends have encouraged me to read my poems. Hope my guitar music fitted in with the reading. Thank you for your time, appreciate it. 🙂 Love, Iris. ❤


  3. Lovely spoken voice, Iris.
    Are you the performer on the music as well?


    • Thank you for your kind comment, Laura. Some friends and I get together from time to time to sing and play music. This time, they have encouraged me to play this piece of music and do a poetry reading as well. They’ve also kindly mixed the reading with the guitar playing. So this post is different from my other posts. I really appreciate your visit and taking the time to listen to the audio. 🙂 Love, Iris. ❤


  4. These are absolutely amazing and very beautiful, Iris. Thank you so much ❤


  5. I prefer this more natural voice over, enjoyed listening 🙂 thank you


  6. Simply beautiful, Iris, and I love the music, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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