Simply Poetry

There And Then

Just a little


Your senses



your imagination



your vision

your heart

I grasp truth

with clarity

We’ll sit and talk

there and then

Love is inclusive

Comments on: "There And Then" (18)

  1. A lovely, meaningful poem that makes the reader think! I agree. I like this. Love should be inclusive. We need to let love flow from our heart! Thank you, Iris, for sharing. Best wishes.

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  2. Simply wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is an amazing and wonderful poem.Anita

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  4. Wonderful poem, Iris, and a lovely reminder to widen my heart. Great to see you on WP again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Jet, such a delight to hear from you! Thank you for this beautiful reflection of yours and a pleasure to share… Yes, I have been away for a while but pleased to connect and meet up with you and others again. Hope to catch up more often and to enjoy your magnificent photography and writing! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.

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  5. A beautiful poem, Iris and almost an epiphany as clarity strikers and the power and unity of love truly appreciated. I love the image of the imagination being startled awake! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, we must realise through all the chaos and challenges of this life that there is love and hope that God offers… and there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I truly appreciate and thank you for your invaluable reflection, Annika. ❤️🙏

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  6. Hi Iris … so good to see your post! Lovely poem my friend ❤️

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