Simply Poetry

Posts tagged ‘comfort’

A Quiet Heart

A quiet confidence

making a difference to

the well-being of others

liberates and builds.

Silver Lining

Soft beams of sunshine

through the silver lining

gently whispering hope

A comforting word.

Heavenly Dewdrops

Seeds Of Love

Seeds Of Love

Where seeds of love
are sown
healing and growth begin …

A Friend Indeed

A listening ear



Bright Sparkling Star

The heart-warming kindness

of friendship

is like the precious gift of love

like the bright sparkling star

in the dark night.


Quality time






Deeply Moving

A piece of music

a book

or a movie?

Realistically painful emotional hurts

of a sufferer

are deeply moving.

They linger

and linger on.

Ruminating thoughts

anxiety, stress

affect behaviour.

Everyone can

play a part

to help.

Be kind and sensitive


The person has been through

more than one can ever imagine.

‘Faith, Hope and Love

but above all

the greatest of these is Love’

Sound And Sure

The peace of God that surpasses all understanding

will comfort your heart to keep on believing

His Living Word so sound and sure

will help you trust in His perfect working.

Timely Comfort

Comforting words at the right time

show that we care,

As we reach out to

hurting people out there.

Healing In Affliction

The vulnerable and marginalised of society,

Are dependent on appropriate help and treatment,

In Your love and compassion,

Lord, give comfort and healing in their affliction.

Worth Mentioning

The good and noble deeds of people,

Giving credit to encourage another,

Comforting the sorrowful with empathy,

Rejoicing with others over their success,

Leading humbly in given responsibility,

These acts are worth mentioning.

Prevail In Prayer


Prevail in prayer,

To a faithful God Who hears,

Our deepest needs and hurts,

He understands them all.


Prevail in prayer,

Prevail in prayer,

He understands,

Prevail in prayer,

Prevail in prayer,

God will answer us.


Give thanks for answered prayers,

To a righteous God Who knows,

The comfort that He gives,

To all who trust in Him


Prevail in prayer,

Prevail in prayer,

He understands,

Prevail in prayer,

Prevail in prayer,

God understands.


[Lyrics from The Music Of Praise (Iris Oh)]



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