Simply Poetry

Posts tagged ‘God’s love’

Silver Lining

Soft beams of sunshine

through the silver lining

gently whispering hope

A comforting word.

Sweeter Than Honey

Ripe fruit sweeter than honey

Sweet flowers like perfumed roses

Summer’s beauty in love’s song

The songbird sings for joy

The songbird sings for joy.

Precious Love

The warmth of Light

reflects the joy of hope

The warmth of Love

liberates the heart.

A Special Person



To be

that special person

to be loved

Love knows no season

Happy New Year

You are special!

The Precious Gem

How precious are

God’s thoughts

how vast is the

sum of them

if it could

be counted

it would be

more than

the grains

of sand

God’s thoughts

are precious

like the precious


the precious gem.



Lilac Splendour

Beautiful flowers

of splendour

colour vivid

and brilliant

conducive environment.


All is quiet


to praise

and give thanks

to Creator God.


The wonders

of His work

so perfect

in every detail

beyond compare.


In the garden

of Your creation

where love

is sown





in nature.


For Wendy


Another Season

Another season in Your creation

Enters the autumn scene

Bright periods of sunshine

And cooler evenings

The warmth of Your love

Towards every living being.

Listen With Empathy

Take time to listen

Show compassion and understanding

The hurting person

needs empathy.


A genuine interest

gives reassurance and hope

A sincerity in friendship

comforts the anxious mind.


God’s love and care

a sensitivity and a desire

to encourage and support

help towards the healing process.

Healing In Affliction

The vulnerable and marginalised of society,

Are dependent on appropriate help and treatment,

In Your love and compassion,

Lord, give comfort and healing in their affliction.


Love in its true meaning is positive,

It is creative and liberates to express good feelings,

God’s Love is unique,

It reaches deep down to fulfill every need.


You’ve tried, experimented and felt disillusioned,

Somehow you have been let down,

Friend do not give up on yourself,

There is help on the way,

He will give you counsel today.

All Redeeming Love

Mutual respect for one another,

Encourages good understanding,

God loves much more than that,

For His love is all redeeming.

Heart Of God


Many people are offended,

By careless sharp words,

But from the heart of God,

There is love for all,

Counsel and healing in His forgiving.



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