Simply Poetry

Posts tagged ‘songs’

Spring In the Air

Melodies of spring

swallows twittering

robin redbreast whistling

season of beauty and growth

rosy hues sweet as love.


Joy that overflows

bliss of pleasure

fills the heart

perfume evocative of spring.

Isle Of Lullabies

Rhythm of blue waves

Lullabies of seashells

Sandy songs of love

And the music lingers on …

A Christmas Cantata

Singers, dancers



unique open air stage

on the beach

perform musical

in contemporary

dance and song.


This short cantata

moving story

of the plight

of a youth

in search of

his own identity

strict upbringing

lost in modern society.


The music and dance

conveying a message

of hope, peace and joy

The story unfolds

he meets three friends

one gave him hope

another led him to peace

and the third shared joy with him.


The evening under the stars

silhouettes at sunset

waves breaking



a special performance to remember

a friend in need

is a friend indeed


Joy to the world!


Sweet Nightingales


Echoes of melodic voices

fill the concert hall

with joyful music

singing with much enthusiasm

children’s choir

well travelled

under the baton

of accomplished conductor.


Beautiful songs

musicals, folk

classical, contemporary

wide repertoire


angelic voices

blending well.



performing with gusto

to the delight

of appreciative audience

applauding for an encore


captivating hearts!



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